I'm a great manager. No, seriously. No bragging, I am. It is what I've always done. I get things done and people like to work for me.
When asked, in an interview, what I thought made me a good people manager, I said consistency.
I think it is imperative that you be consistent. If two people are both twenty minutes late, they can expect the same repercussions. No favorites. I use a discipline matrix. For every infraction, there is a non-waivering, pre-determined consequence. Whether it be tardiness, internal theft, or a dress code violation... you will never find me letting one employee get away with it, while reprimanding another employee for the same thing.
It works. Why then, in my personal life, do I not use these same principles?? Why is my reaction different from one person to the next when they break plans? Why can I drop a guy I just started seeing without a second thought and be furious if he continues to call after I said I was done... but in the same breath allow my ex to do this to me repeatedly?? Maybe because I have more invested in him?
Well, Sididdy, that doesn't make much sense. I mean, if I was investing in a product, and it wasn't giving me the results I wanted... I would discontinue using it. I wouldn't throw money into a stock for two years as I continue to watch it be less and less consistent. So, why do I keep throwing all of my energy into a "sinking stock" of a relationship just because I've already invested some?
I've decided that I will begin managing my personal life in the same way I manage my professional life. No, I will not be creating a matrix, lol... I'm not that type A... but I will continue to determine what is a priority to me..... and what qualifies somebody for an oral warning as opposed to immediate termination.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
In a small town, everything comes full circle.

I glance at my watch, it is 3:35. Shit. I have 25 minutes to get Olivia and I dressed and catch Sonic Happy Hour. We throw on our clothes, I buckle her in the carseat and climb into my car, put the key in the ignition and turn... click, click, click... nada. FUCK.
Really? My car isn't gonna start? I'm already mid project on my cutlass... my crown vic can't NOT start. FUCK. I climb out and reluctantly dial my Ex... He's the only way I know how to get in touch with the mechanic. He picks up... says the mechanic (Bobby) is with him and as soon as they finish working on his car, they'll come over and take a look at mine. Good. That was easy.
Fast forward three days... my Ex is on some serious bullshit. He's made excuse after excuse... and they still have not been out here to look at my car. He tells me he can't get in touch with Bobby and that Bobby is bullshittin. Great.
Plan B. I dial Olivia's Dad. Tell him I need someone to look at my car... He says he'll find someone.
Five hours later, my phone rings.. It's Olivia's Dad... "Hey, I'm up here shooting pool and I just ran into my old mechanic... he has a job he's supposed to be working on, but the guy won't call him back.. he says he can come look at yours first thing in the morning.. I'mma put you on the phone and let you give him directions" ... me: "k"
I proceed to give the mechanic directions to my house. Before hanging up I say, "Oh, I didn't even get your name" ... He replies, "Bobby". Seriously? The same Bobby? Yuuup. I tell him who I am. We laugh. He says he's been getting the run around from my Ex for days and that my Ex refused to give him my number and finally told him I didn't need my car fixed anymore. Did I mention my Ex is a total douche?
The next morning, bright and early, the mechanic shows up with his friend. I take one look at @AlohaPrncess and tell her we need to talk. *we step inside* Me: "ummm... So, dude with Bobby is the guy I don't know who kept messaging me on MySpace a few weeks ago, asking if I wanted to go out sometime. I don't know if he recognizes me or not." We laugh. Small ass town.
My transmission and starter are shot. The mechanic starts working. This is NOT what I wanted to be wrong with my car. Oh well. Turns out, @AlohaPrncess's ex has the same year crown vic and is willing to give me the transmission out of it. Awesome. *puts $800 back in my pocket* It's gonna take about a week, but I'll wait....
Last night, I'm sitting at my kitchen table with the mechanic. His phone rings. It's my Ex. Guess what? His transmission just went out. I guess he'd better sit on his hands and wait a week while HIS mechanic fixes MY car. Ain't Karma a bitch?

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